Endless runner
Upstream Studios
"As a koifish, navigate tranquil yet dangerous rivers on your mythological journey to ascend."
The team:
3 Level Designers
3 Game Artists
2 Animators
6 Game Programmers
Production time:
8 weeks half-speed = Around 160 hours.
My Contribution:
Level Designing all levels together with LD colleague, switching ownership.
Level Propping / Level Art
Member in gameplay task force
Our group logo
The game on itch.io
My contribution and thoughts
This was our first project at TGA. Everything was new to me. It was all so new for me to think as a level designer instead of a graphics designer, which I was before TGA. We spent a lot of time learning about the process of making a game together, planning it, working with sprint goals, and being as agile as possible. Perforce was introduced to us and we tried to learn how to use it.
Since I created the last level, I had to learn how to make the game fun while also challenging the player. Putting rewards in dangerous places makes it feel better when the player gets them. The blocks were blocked out in Unity and replaced with team art. To make the level more difficult, I made sure that the jumps were precise and aimed at increasing the difficulty curve. By letting the player take a risk, I wanted to avoid punishing them too harshly if they failed. As I look back, I can see that I could have created more fun challanges.
Making this was a lot of fun for me. Making a game taught me a lot about what can go wrong and what we did well. Additionally, I gained a lot of knowledge about level design.
Feel free to scroll through the images to view our process and in-game scenes that I have been a part of.