Puzzle mobile game
The team:
3 Level Designers
3 Game Artists
2 Animators
5 Game Programmers
Production time:
8 weeks half-speed = Around 160 hours.
Unity & TGA2D
My Contribution:
Level Designing all levels together with LD colleague, switching ownership.
Level Propping / Level Art
Lighting all scenes
Member in gameplay task force
Member in level task force
Meatgrinder studios
Our group logo
My contribution and thoughts
The process of making a mobile game added a lot of new challenges as well as a different way of thinking. This was especially true since we were making a level that required us to think about a few steps in advance. If the character were to walk into a wall, what would happen? Was there any way they could get out of there?
Since this game had a fun and quirky idea, I played it myself for a while. Additionally, making the levels was fun since we talked together and played each other's levels while providing valuable feedback. As you can see, I made two levels with the intention of making it fun, challenging, and not pushing the player into a wall with a killer rabbit behind them. The blocks were blocked out in Unity and replaced with team art.
Feel free to scroll through the images to view our process and in-game scenes that I have been a part of.